Causeway During Advent
One big benefit of Lockdown Two is that we have been able to successfully work on our Advent Street window, safe in the knowledge that nobody will get a sneaky peek!
Advent Street has become a wonderful tradition in our street over recent years, with many of our Causeway neighbours taking an Advent date, and showing it off in any way they like.
This year our window will feature the number five which means that from the 5th December you will be able to spot us, somewhere in the Causeway.
There is no rhyme or reason to the numbering, except that it always leads up to the big finale at St Mary’s Church on Christmas Eve. This makes it far more fun to play ‘spot the number’ when wandering up and down the road.

With Christmas being expected to have a very different, smaller and more intimate feel this year, it’s great to take part in these little pleasures. We feel like part of our local community, and it is a lovely feeling to spark a little joy for those who get to see the windows all lit up.

Are you taking part in a window display this year? Perhaps it is something you could arrange with your neighbours… it doesn’t need to break the bank – you just need a little imagination! Maybe your road does something else…. we would love to see what you have planned.

Now obviously I can’t give too much away about our window this year– but maybe a little snippet will suffice for now? Bet you can’t tell what it will be!
As a general rule, we don’t tend to put up our decorations until mid-December (except when our diary gets booked-up and we run out of weekends to get on the case), but when we do, it does give me an opportunity to get my creative hat on. Visitors rarely leave our house unscathed during winter months – there is always a hint of glitter left as incriminating evidence of where they have been!
Over the years I have accumulated two trees (one that is public facing, and can be seen by passers-by) – and my less sophisticated, but also far more sentimental one; adorned with decorations dating all the way back to my childhood.
I don’t have many simple, round baubles in my collection, I have a habit of buying one or two unique tree decorations a year, and then buying the same ones for my children – to add to their own collections. I understand that this tradition has already passed on, and my daughters buy ornaments for their children, to take away to their new homes when they fly the nest in the future.
As Christmas draws closer, I will update you all with my finished window, and some of my personal Christmas crafts (past and present).